I had not given scarlet fever much thought since I was a young child and parents would occasionally express concern that a childhood rash might be a manifestation of scarlet fever. Then, for many years it was rarely, if ever discussed. However, in some parts of the world, scarlet fever recently has...
Jennifer MacCormack MLS (ASCP) CM

Jen is the Post Survey Team Leader for COLA Inc., where she helps laboratories to navigate the accreditation process and apply best laboratory practices to their work. She previously held a research and manufacturing position within the American Red Cross, and she is a licensed Medical Laboratory Scientist with over a decade of experience in high-volume hospital blood banks and core laboratories. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Physiology from McGill University and a Medical Technology degree from Dawson College. She is also a freelance science writer whose articles are featured on websites dedicated to consumer safety, renewable energy, STEM outreach, and science communication.
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